Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Thomas Watson Hekatompathia 1592: Sonnet I
Well fare the life sometimes I led ere this,
When yet no downy heare yclad my face:
My heart deuoid of cares did bathe in blisse,
My thoughts were free in every time & place;
But now (alas) all's foule, which then was faire,
My wonted ioys are turning to despair.
Where then I liu'd without controule or checke,
An other now is mistress of my minde,
Cupid hath clapt a yoake upon my necke,
Under whose waighte I live in servile kinde:
I now cry creak, that ere I scorned loue,
Whose might is more then other Gods aboue.
I have essayed by labor to eschew
What fancy buildes upon a loue conceite,
But neartheless my thought reuiues anew,
Where in fond love is wrapt, and works deceit:
Some comfort yet I have to live her thrall,
In whom as yet I find no fault at all.